School of open learning UG Online Admission 2016-17
click here for UG Admission Academic Session 2016-17 Dear Students and Parents School of Open Learning (SOL),University of Delhi welcomes you to Online Admission facility for UG. Enjoy hassle free, safe and secure admission. Save your precious time, energy and money. It is convenient. You can do it from anywhere….

click here to download the date sheet DATE SHEET FOR MASTERS M.A. History, M.A. Political Science http://sol.du.ac.in/Examination/Exam_frmHallTicket.aspx click to download the Exam HALL TICKET SOL Date Sheet of BA/ BCOM -2015 click here to download the date sheet BA_PROG 2015 (NEW)* click here to download the date sheet B-COM 2015…

SOL School of Open Learning DU Examination Notice
1. Exam_Instructions (new)* 2. Notice_06-April-2015 Examination Notice (NEW) “SOL Connect” is an initiative by some students of School of Open Learning, University of Delhi and will be able to help/guide fellow students in their own capacity, in no way “SOL Connect” is officially related to School of Open Learning, University of Delhi….