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New Girl in The City

Its been a year almost that freshers are about to complete their one year here.
Every girl who comes over to Delhi leaving her home behind can relate to this.

This is what Savii Sachdeva feels while she was writing this poem ” Every girl coming to Delhi leaving her home can relate this poem to herself. The best way to quote out my feelings & my experiences could only be this poem”

Beginning with the day she left home,
DELHI had a lot to roam
HANSRAJ being a status tag,
Came a new girl with her cute teddy bag.
Laying off her childhood dreams,
She could find new hopes out scream.
With a lot of new people to interact,
She found herself confused about how to react,
And here she is waking up with a new ray,
Now, she has enough and lot to say.
These two years have brought about countless memories,
And she started wearing smile and sweetness as accessories.
Now she walks independently with confidence,
Delhi has taught her a lot of prudence.
Never ever can she go back,
As she has left her fear in the old rack.
People now call her a little bit naughty
But I say she is just a new girl in the city.


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