After a long struggle, the final verdict of case NFB vs. Union of India regarding reservation policy for the PWD candidates in M. PHIL and P.H.D. programs has released. The Delhi High Court has directed the JNU Administration to ensure the 5% reservation for PWD Candidates in M. PHIL Ph.D….

दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में दाखिले की प्रक्रिया का आरम्भ 2018-19
दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में २०१८-१९ (2018-19) के सत्र के लिए दाखिले की आवेदन प्रक्रिया अब आरम्भ हो चुकी है. कई अटकलों के चलते एक लम्बे इंतज़ार के बाद १५ 15 मई से ऑनलाइन आवेदन की प्रक्रिया अब सुचारू रूप से प्रभावी है. यह गौरतलब है की इस सत्र के लिए लगभग…

दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा दृष्टिहीन छात्रों के आधिकारों के प्रति उदासीनता।
बीते शुक्रवार दिनांक 27.04.2018 को दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के दृष्टिहीन छात्रों ने अपनी लंबित मांगों को लेकर धरना प्रदर्शन किया। विश्वविद्यालय के ढुलमुल रवैये व एक अरसे से उनकी मांगो को अनदेखा करने के विरुद्ध उन्होंने अपना स्पष्ट विरोध जताया। प्रातः आठ बजे उन्होंने विश्वविद्यालय स्थित आर्ट्स फैकल्टी में E.O.C की…

स्वच्छ भारत और मैली सियासत
मैं अभी हाल ही में दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय की सड़कों पे जब घूम रहा था तभी मुझे २ अक्टूबर २०१४ का दिन याद आ रहा था, जिस दिन देश के वर्तमान प्रधानमन्त्री-जी ने अपने तथाकथित सर्वाधिक कामयाब कहे जाने वाले “स्वच्छ भारत अभियान” का विमोचन किया था. उनहोंने चन्द वर्षों के…

ये दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय है, कृपया यहाँ प्रवेश लेने वाले छात्र इसे पढना न भूलें..
दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में इस नए सत्र में प्रवेश लेने वाले सभी छात्रों का हार्दिक स्वागत है. आपने इस प्रतिष्ठित विश्वविद्यालय में दाखिला लेकर अपने भविष्य को एक नया आयाम तो दिया ही है साथ ही यहाँ के अद्भुत, मनोरम व दिल्ली के चकाचौंध-पूर्ण माहौल में भी कदम रख चुके हैं. …

Undergraduate Admissions 2017-18 DU
The university of Delhi announces admissions to various undergraduate courses (merit based) for all colleges for the academic session 2017-18. The online registration will start from May 22, 2017. The registration for the following courses for undergraduate programs will start from May 31, 2017: Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)…

Date-Sheet of B.A. Prog, B.A.(H), B.Com.(H) & B.Com (SOL)
CLICK ON PIC OR LINK BELOW: Date-Sheet of B.A. Prog, B.A.(H), B.Com.(H) & B.Com

All B.A.(Hons) & B.Com(Hons) Exam Hall Ticket are available. [Click Here]
All B.A.(Hons) & B.Com(Hons) Exam Hall Ticket is available. [Click Here] https://sol.du.ac.in/mod/page/view.php?id=2752

School of open learning UG Online Admission 2016-17
click here for UG Admission Academic Session 2016-17 Dear Students and Parents School of Open Learning (SOL),University of Delhi welcomes you to Online Admission facility for UG. Enjoy hassle free, safe and secure admission. Save your precious time, energy and money. It is convenient. You can do it from anywhere….

Third Cut-off 2016, University of Delhi
Arts & Commerce Cut off Science Cut off

Second Cut off 2016 University of Delhi
if you don’t run fast … you will be like a broken undaa … 🙂 Click here for Arts & Commerce Cut off 2016 University of Delhi Click here for Science Cut off 2016 University of Delhi .

First Cut-off DU 2016, Welcome Fresher’s
First Cut-off DU 2016, Welcome Fresher’s Click here for First Cut_Off_DU 2016

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Undergraduate Admission 2016-17,University of Delhi.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Undergraduate Admission 2016-17, University of Delhi. NOTICE The “Online Registration and Registration Fee Payment” for the candidates applying for the Undergraduate Courses based on merit for 2016-17 shall continue till 05:00 P.M. of 22nd June 2016. However, those candidates who have confirmed their registration till 05:00…

online registration for Undergraduate DU 2016
The candidates should not wait for the last day for online registration and registration fee payment, to avoid any hassle. All the related Information is copied from University of Delhi Official Website www.du.ac.in Press Release: Launching registration of candidates for Undergraduate (UG) Courses from June 1, 2016 IMPORTANT An eligible…

Life of a student in DU hostel
“You should experience it atleast once”. This is what is always said to each one of us when asked about the hostel life. So here I bring you the 5 things that you always experience during hostel life….especially when it is a DU hostel:- Awesome environment:- When it comes to…

FLAMES- Crave for food then flames is the place
Amidst the many eating outlets in Hudsan Lane, there exists “The Flames” offering you lavish food at reasonable prices. If you are a college student who often craves for reasonable good food or want to go on a family dinner, Flames is one place you should give a try. Even…

click here to download the date sheet DATE SHEET FOR MASTERS M.A. History, M.A. Political Science http://sol.du.ac.in/Examination/Exam_frmHallTicket.aspx click to download the Exam HALL TICKET SOL Date Sheet of BA/ BCOM -2015 click here to download the date sheet BA_PROG 2015 (NEW)* click here to download the date sheet B-COM 2015…

Things that happen only during exam time
So the most dreaded exam season is back! Amidst the tensions and the anxiety surrounding the exams, below is a list of things that every one of you has tried at least once. Read it and smile for you really need it. Things that happens only during the exam…

KUMBH’15- HARITIMA Environment Society Of Hansraj College
Kumbh at Hans Raj The morning of 24th March witnessed a lot of motion at Hans Raj College, where Haritima- the environment awareness society, organized Prakriti Kumbh’15, the annual fest in association with Millennium India Education Foundation in the Seminar Room of the college. The event was a huge success…